
The 24 hours before your TOEIC exam

What you can usefully do before the TOEIC exam

Are often confused students who often take the exam TOEIC, especially students from middle-level or less, from the fact that tens of ups and downs every time they take it and try to get help from books or teachers to stop this happeningAlthough this can sometimes be a result of being confused with the new language that were not to have a chance to know very well yet, or speed of understanding, which slowed down because you can understand more and read more than just that, so slowly, for most people is simply as a result of fatigue, were not happy or healthy for some time when you take the test. Here knockout?? Things that are most likely to help you improve your score on the TOEIC you can do during the 24 hours before the exam, you will notice that none of them are studying for English!

1. Do not cram. Also, there is only one TOEIC exam for all levels of English language learner up to a very advanced and can be for all the American standards in English (General English and Business English) to be in the exam. This means tens of thousands of words or expressions. Therefore, the chances that the language they study in the 24 hours before the exam and testing on that day is very low or even zero. This can be done to study the language that almost of the exam and even negative results due to make you or make you look tired but I would have studied the language only.Therefore it is best to finish all your study at least 2 days before the exam.
2. Other end of the study. Can also be tiring yourself and your mind a bit awkward with the English language is unnecessary, and read or study anything else too heavy and intellectually stimulating have the same effect. This includes movies, novels and stories that are difficult to understand. The night before the exam, try to watch some videos, music or comedy, and leave the study and all the other serious stuff until the day after the exam.
3. Avoid other languages. If you're talking to other foreign languages ​​apart from English, if possible to avoid speaking, reading and listening to those languages ​​in the days before the exam. This is your brain so that does not take any time to switch to "English mode" on the exam.
4. Make sure to sleep well, but not much. To be in top form on the day of the exam TOEIC, you need to be comfortable, but not from oversleeping still asleep. Even if the test in the afternoon, set your alarm clock to make sure of waking up after 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
5. Eat and drink well, but not much. Even if you're sitting still, and will burn lots of calories in the exam because the brain is active and stressed on the present. You will need a lot of complex carbohydrates, like other things, bread and bananas to keep your energy levels until the end of the exam, but make sure you do not eat too much and make yourself sleepy for the first part.
6. Eat and drink healthy, but not very healthy. Avoid sugar, as this will give you a lot of energy at the beginning of the exam, but leave you tired by the end. Can that the vitamins and other healthy foods are important for combating stress, but if you are on a slimming diet for reasons you'll need to give it up for one day you will not have enough energy.

7. Get a little practice. Especially if you're the type who can not sit easily still for 3 hours, some light exercise and / or stretches at night or in the morning before the exam will stimulate your mind and help you avoid fatigue, stress reduction, and give you a break from thinking about the exam. Be sure not to leave despite the tire yourself, a good guide to likely to do only 50 to 75% of the usual practice of his sport.
8. Be careful what you drink. Some people find that one glass of wine or a small glass of beer helps to relax the night before the exam and even get to sleep, but for most people even if it helps you sleep can make it still less from your deep sleep, and so means that you wake up tired more than if you have anything that is not drunk. Any one or more of the glass also have a negative impact on short-term memory (which is very important for the exam), and make you also need to go to the toilet more often.Avoid coffee or tea a lot, such as sugar and will leave you tired when the effect wears off later in the exam. Also, do not drink a lot of water before you go on, because you will not have time to go to the toilet once the exam has started.
9. Up early, but with a plan B, the last thing you need on the day of exam pressure is more difficult to find a place where he is held concerns about the exam or being late. At the same time, despite the extra time standing outside the venue of the examination in waiting to start the exam can make you more stressed and tired.One way to avoid all of this is to go to the place of the exam one day before so that you are unsure of how to get there. Another is to find out where the nearest Internet cafe local, and find the place of the exam and return to the local cafe to rest before returning after 20 minutes or so before the time you were told to arrive for the exam.
10. Reduce the stress from the other. Especially in the part of the listening test TOEIC, if your mind wanders off to think of something else for one second so that it can be enough to make you miss the information that can help you answer this question. In the last few days before the exam, and the counting of all the things that may cause you stress and extra to make your mind wander if you have forgotten them, for example to pay bills for water and electricity, in response to e-mail your everything, pick up dry cleaning, take outgarbage.
11. Write a list. Another potential source of tension and suddenly remember you forgot something you need to do on the day of the exam. Write a list of all the things you will need a day. Everything passes off as you do it can be a great way to take the stress.Things that may need to include the following: the map to the exam center, with a picture identification signature (for example, passport), pencils and erasers, off your mobile phone, and bottled drink for before and after the exam. This can also include things that you need to do before you leave home, like turning off the heating and feeding the cat.
12. Do something relaxing in the English language in the way there. For example, you can listen to music on the way to the English exam to help you put your mind in a "English", with no fatigue at all.
13. Not the same routine the day before. To make sure of the body and mind do not expect to sleep or food when you want it to be the focus of the examination, in an attempt to wake up and eat at the same time will be able to test on at least one day before.
14. Lock out the English language books. To stop doing any study of unnecessary or counterproductive, and prevents you even thinking about it, put all your books, TOEIC, exam practice materials and books away in a drawer and do not even touch them during the 24 hours before the exam.
15. Do something half your normal level. Can read something in English to be a useful way to get your brain ready to understand the English language from the first minute of the exam, but only for the person who reads the daily newspapers in English. So that one of them is used to do something in daily life English try to make it easier in the 24 hours before the exam to make sure it does not tire, for example, reading is easier to understand the paper than usual, and read the headlines only, or read the newspaper yesterday, you know All of the news.
16. The warm-up conversation. Once again, you will need to make sure it is not something that will tire you, but if you can meet with one of your friends or outside near the center of the exam and is 5 minutes of the conversation in English, that would mean you're ready to test for the right of the first question (listening part I).