choosing a course TOEIC

Choose the category of a good teacher and TOEIC TOEIC

20 questions you should ask before choosing a course TOEIC.
This is a list of questions that could be looking at information about the school or ask someone at the school before deciding which school to go to or whether the use of school or not.

Here a detailed description of how and why you should ask each question:
1. What are the nationalities of the teachers? / What do English teachers kind of talk? If you're not used to American accents, you will need a lot of exercise that most of the votes in the test to be American or Canadian accents, and a teacher who talks about this kind of English would be best for you. There is now also some British and Australian accents in the test, if you have a much more problem with these dialects of American English with you may get a slight advantage of a British teacher or Australian instead.

2. Is the school and test center TOEIC? / Are you ready for the TOEIC practice within the school? And also gives you time travel, and perhaps gives you confidence in the test because you feel comfortable in familiar surroundings, can be a school test center indicating that the school is serious about teaching TOEIC.
3. How many students TOEIC does not exist in the school each year, and what is the total number of students? As well as a large number of students TOEIC, has a large proportion of students from smaller schools will also be a good sign that the school specializes in the TOEIC.
4. No school in the self-study materials, TOEIC, which can borrow to help you prepare for a test? If the answer is no, the schools that have any self-study materials available and / or those that can get you a discount on the purchase of your self-study materials to be an advantage.
5. Is this site, flyers and banners outside the school TOEIC remember? This indicates that the school is serious about teaching and TOEIC is a good sign.
6. Is there a TOEIC class is now, or is it just going to put you on the waiting list? Are placed on a waiting list for a class that had not yet opened both uncomfortable and a sign that the school does not know much of the TOEIC.
7. Professors have written any books TOEIC? It is clear that this is very rare, but it would be a very good thing if you find it.
8. How do the many years of experience for teachers after teaching TOEIC? Year's experience is probably enough for the teacher to understand well for the exam, but the longer the better.
9. If teachers do not have the expertise TOEIC, that is, they taught us lessons, such as TOEFL or similar BULATS?
10. Since when the school had classes TOEIC? If this is the first year of classes TOEIC, school, teachers may not understand even now well on the exam.
11. They use only English in class? You also need a lot of listening practice as possible before the exam, and classrooms in English only is usually best. However, for students from primary level to be low and some exam tips written or explained in their own language may be useful.
12. Do you have to pass the admission test for entry in the category of TOEIC? If not, there may be students from very different levels in the same class, making it difficult for the teacher to give language and advice needed by each student. If all the students from entering classrooms TOEIC, see if students are divided into different categories TOEIC level. If neither of these things is true, it is probably best not to take TOEIC classes at that school.
13. How much is of course the TOEIC, and all students on the path to the same period of time? If you need a path that helps to raise the level of English in order to get a lot of points TOEIC improved within a year from now, if the course is only one month long, or, students who take the exam in one month, you may find that the training course each exam, and therefore does not give you the language you need to be strengthened so that the next level. On the contrary,
14. Does not include both the course of development of the language, training and exam tips, and how much each of them? If you take the exam very soon, it has almost all the advice and training to be good, but as you are studying the actual language learning becomes more and more important.
15. If he has a category of textbooks, and the number of school hours it takes to complete the book? Sometimes students who are studying short courses one month to the test can be done only about ten or twenty percent of the material in the book, of course, which is part of a waste of money. If this is your position, a school that provides all the materials and copies and include the cost of the course may be the best.
16. How are classes TOEIC? Study of one hour twice a week is better than studying two hours once a week, and you are less likely to forget the language they study before the next class.
17. You can get a discount if you study business or general English class as well as your class TOEIC? Especially if you study TOEIC is only once a week, and the study of other classes can really help.If you are at the intermediate level or less, can be studied General English and be useful or more useful than studying English for business. And must be on the students who have a higher level never studied English for work before choosing a business class probably English, but any class will be useful.
18. And other students in the class really motivated to take the exam? It does not happen a lot with layers TOEIC, but in some countries, are paid schools and school systems in the exam when the rows up to a certain level even if they are not interested in taking the exam. These classes tend to be less focused and chattier of the chapters full of people who wish to take the exam soon.
19. If you do not improve the TOEIC score by a certain amount, the school offers free course or a refund of your own? Does not provide many of the schools and the amount of self-study you do is probably more important than what happens in the classroom, but if you can find on this school that offers it shows they are serious in the TOEIC and is confident in the ability of their teachers, and can also save you money It may also mean the teacher will pay you to study hard, which is a good thing!
20. No progress in school TOEIC practice on the Internet? This can save you money to buy more of the self-study materials, practice tests and make more interesting, and means that you can practice anywhere with a computer even if you do not have a book with you.If they do not provide their own content online TOEIC, you can ask the school or teacher if they can recommend any other sites TOEIC free.

This may be in your town there are no specific categories for you to join the TOEIC. Accession to the English language for public works or a class in English is still better than just studying on your own, especially if you have a long-term goal to improve your level, but you will need to ask some questions to find a more suitable path.
1. If you ask the teacher some questions about the exam after the end of the school day, for example, what are the best books to prepare for self-study examinations, are likely to know enough about the TOEIC to be able to answer?
2. If the category of business English, is a book written with that in mind use the TOEIC? This is very rare, but it would be helpful if you could find it.