Why does my teacher use games in the category of adults?

No games have a place in the category of adult ESL?One of the most common complaints by students and they are playing games in the ranks of their English language at the time you have to do a serious study. Most of the teachers do not listen very carefully to these complaints, because the serious study and play can be the same in many cases, and most experts agree that educational games are sometimes useful. If you still see that there are many games in the class of English and want the teacher and the school to listen carefully to the complaints of the private, before I say anything that will need to check that in your class causes bad below is true and for good reasons are not.

Good reasons for using games in the category of adult

1. More drill / exercise control
There is a limit to the number of times you can repeat the same grammar or sentence before your brain switches off. With some games, but it is possible to repeat the same language more than once in ways that are interesting, and even improve your ability to produce the next time you have a real conversation in English.

2. Fun and memory
When you're having fun language that you hear and use more likely to make an impression in your memory and even be easy to remember in the future.

3. Class spirit
Games of many of the classrooms to help students get to know each other and learn how to work together. Team spirit of this result improve your motivation to come to class and do your best, and helps to increase your skills in the English language.

4. Know when you are just fine
When you speak a foreign language it is very difficult to know when you're talking well and when you talk badly. In a game with points is more pronounced when you have done well.

5. Heating
Sometimes you need to wake up before your mind is ready to absorb a new language, and the best way to do this is usually with the short game.

6. Use different parts of the brain
Education in regular schools often use too much memory to learn the vocabulary and the other, and sometimes used parts of the brain makes sense of things such as working outside the rules of grammar. If you can access other parts of the brain with such things as, drawing, hand-eye coordination, music, and this will help you to learn the language fully. The easiest way to bring these things to the class is usually matches the language.

7. There is a natural way of learning
Although most people are aware that children learn language naturally by copying the people around them, interact, and, what is less commonly remembered is that children spend a lot of time playing around the with the language with fun things like words nonsense, puns and skipping rhymes. Adults in need of the same position for playful and creative language learning to motivate themselves and get really feel they have mastered it.

8. Competition and motivation
For some reason, people run much faster when it is running next to someone else. The same applies to learning the language, and make these games the feelings of competition and come out so you have to work hard to produce more complex language and / or accurate.

9. Most of the students such as games
It may be that other students in the class are happy to do games, perhaps because they are less motivated to learn English, and tend to lose focus, even if they do not have short-term goal, such as access points. As long as each game has a serious point of teaching, there is no reason why students are more serious and less serious alike can benefit from it.

10. The students complain about the games for the wrong reasons
Some students may look for other things from the lack of effort to blame a bad score on the test, games, an easy target. If the teacher knows that you or other students complain about the games when the games were not really a problem, it may not be real questions about the use of many types of error or of games seriously.

11. Variety
Just like sports or martial arts, in order to master the language in which you need to approach it in many different ways. If you rule out any objects that could be considered games, and this really cuts down on the number of different ways that you can try to improve reading, listening, writing and speaking skills.

12. Remember the language of the game
Sometimes the best way for the language to remember is to portray the place or in a conversation you have heard for the first time where people and place in the classroom are usually the same, can make the teacher each lesson, and thus each item of the language introduced in this lesson, and more individual and memorable. One of the best ways is to use different games each week.

The reasons for poor use of games in the category of adult

Killing time
And learn the language well the game has a clear goal and finishes whenever possible for students to the most useful move to something else. If you think your teacher is to make you when you play games these two things are not true, for example by making you play the game again when I got a perfect score for the first time, then you can ask the school principal / head teacher if the teacher can clearly explain why each game before they ask you to run it.

Just like children learn
Although adults can learn a lot about how to choose a child naturally until the language, and brain adult is very different from the child, which made the class the children learn the language quickly, usually not one that will work well for adults without some changes.If your teacher seems to be making the assumption that you have to learn just like children, then it may be useful to ask him or her to explain the philosophy of teaching you.

The teacher just want to try something new
This one is difficult to judge the teacher who is always trying new ideas to make the classes better and more interesting is usually, but a good teacher who does not always mean that the new game will make the best possible lesson for you today. If you think your teacher is being very experimental with your class, and a good way to approach this is to suggest things that would be happy to do again with comments like "I really enjoyed ..." And "before it can be to test us ... again?"

It's fun for the teacher
Teachers are human too and we want to have fun in their jobs, in some cases, but the teacher is the only one of the people in class and if most students agree that the game is useless it may be time for you to finish the game off quickly and show that you want to proceed through the open book, etc..

The teacher sees smiling faces, happy means students
And many teachers were surprised when a student who was smiling and laughing and participating in the games later in the game complain about it or that there are many games in the classroom. If you enjoy these games but I do not think they are useful, it is worth explaining exactly this teacher instead of saying you "do not like games."

The teacher does not know what to do
And is training teachers to use English a lot of matches and if the school tells them to stop the use can be very difficult to think of other ways interesting and encouraging the practice of the language. If you have specific ideas of what can be done in the classroom rather than, for example what you did in the other category, which refers to the teacher or the school may help come up with ideas appropriate manager.